Kathy Bernard – Publisher
“Enter through the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad
is the road that leads to destruction, and many
enter through it. – Matthew 7:13
JESUS explicitly speaks of two destinies for us as Christians. Choosing the wide road for human satisfaction, many have turned away to seek the wide road which leads to Hell and destruction. God, our Heavenly Father, says “NO” for it will lead to eternal hell. He tells us instead, one glorious day, the Narrow Path leading to eternal joy, we will one day lie in glory with God and our Savior, Jesus Christ. As Christians, the latter will be our choice. He tells us about the Narrow Path leading to eternal joy where we will live forever in glory with God and our Savior, Jesus Christ. Choosing the wide path will lead many to Hell but as Christian Catholics, the Narrow Path will be our precious choice.
AND SO when we come to a crossroad, which road should you take? If you believe in Jesus Christ, our Savior, you must decide your path: the Wide Road which offers the gifts of sin and disobedience to God or the Narrow Road, a seemingly endless road, but where we will live forever.
SOMETIMES it may be difficult to walk the NARROW Path God has for us but Jesus tells us it is the only way we can live forever, secure in the arms of Almighty God, our Heavenly Father, who beckons us to follow Him to endless Glory. This must be our decision as Christians.
MANY of us see others showing their big successes and wealth, smiling with joy, as others try to do the same with their successful lives. Sadly, they cannot see what God has planned.
HAVE you come to a Crossroad in your life and you cannot decide which road to take? If you believe in Jesus, our Savior, we will know and decide our path that is the Narrow Path for we know that the Wide Path which offers gifts of sin and disobedience to God, our Heavenly Father. Our choice is the Narrow endless road.
SOMETIMES, it may be difficult to walk the path God has for us but Jesus tells us it is the only way we can live forever; secure in the arms of our Almighty Father and Jesus Christ, and they will beckon us to follow Them to endless Glory. AMEN!!
WILL this be your decision?