On Holy Thursday night my bedroom filled with some horrific demonic force. I was petrified and prayed the Our Father but it was not my voice that came out of me. When I finished praying the Our Father, I kept repeating JESUS CHRIST, my Lord and my Savior. What spoke from me? I have been on medication for years and most of the time I do not need it. I became addicted. Since that night, our Lord has been helping me to give that sin up. But now all my past sins are in front of me and are overwhelming me. I once cursed my own brother. My husband was already married in registry office and divorced but we got married in the Catholic Church and on and on my selfishness has caused so much pain and suffering and I am in anguish here and scared. Please help. I want to confess to be forgiven and I have been asking GOD but what about all the lives that I have ruined? What can I do to make sure that each one of them is saved. Please help. GOD bless you. – Sally
I am sorry to hear that you are going through these horrible happenings. You were petrified when a demonic force happened in your bedroom. Thank God you prayed and asked God to help you. You also said that God “is helping you to move past these awful happenings.”
I want you to keep praying to your Heavenly Father. He cares for you and wants you to feel better. Know God is in control. Continue to talk to God! You asked “What about all the lives that I have ruined? What can I do to make sure that each one of them is saved?” Pray to the Lord, and He will fix it for you.
Remember to take time out to read the Bible. Don’t give up! Keep praying.
A Catholicview Staff