On 24 Aug 16 my daughter hung herself on a mental ward in a local hospital in England. My mother flew back to UK with my alcoholic brother, Harleigh. He is very unwell, has lost tremendous weight and his drinking has gotten worse and drinks cider instead of eating food. He misses his daughter in Florida but we are debating whether we should continue to try to strengthen him and hopefully encourage him to stop drinking or send him back to Florida which is what he wants but where he is with his daughter but will surely die because he has no support there and is homeless? My mother and I struggle with what the right thing is to do. My mum is 70 and I don’t want her to experience the loss of her son, my brother Harleigh Eads. Please advise what Jesus would do and the best way to handle this for all of us.
Best regards, Lara
First of all I am so sorry to hear the sad news about your daughter. It is surly a terrible loss. I will pray for you about this. I am also sadden that your brother because I know how terrible it is to have your brother drinking and harming himself this way. He is ruining his life by drinking.
Is there a Priest who could talk to your brother or a Minister who could discuss this behavior? Know that our Lord, Jesus Christ will always bring you peace. Count on this, knowing that our Heavenly Father God sees your pain and will comfort you through it all.
Here is a prayer for you:
Thank you, Lord Jesus for giving me courage so I may obtain mercy and find God’ grace. So many things in this life of mine that I face to help my family. Help me to help them in this time of need. And thank you, Jesus Christ. Give me the strength to face these sad trials in my life, Dear Jesus Christ. I pray for my family Who needs hope and strength and encouragement to take away their fears. Be their comforter and their provider. Give them peace beyond all human understanding.
And Dear Lord, hold my broken heart when I think of my precious daughter who hung herself from her suffering. Heavenly Father, help me and give me your perfect peace. Give us your healing strength because of Your love for us. Help me to help my family. Give them peace and encouragement.
Thank you God, Who gave us Your Precious Son, Jesus Christ Who died and rose again, and gives us all His understanding LOVE. – AMEN!!!
Lara, may God bless you and your family abundantly. You are a very special lady who cares for her family. May God go with you.
A Catholic View Staff