In bible study we learned that Peter was devout Jew.  Can I assume Christ was also a devout Jew.  Shouldn’t all Catholics seek to become Jews?


On the contrary, all Jewish people should come to Jesus as Lord and Savior.  The Jewish people do NOT accept Jesus as Lord and Savior, do NOT accept that Jesus is the Messiah, and do NOT accept that Jesus fulfilled the Old Mosaic Law and replaced it with a New Covenant built on faith in Jesus and the fact that the death of Jesus on the cross is the one and ultimate sacrifice that fulfilled the Old Law.  Jesus fulfilled every letter and requirement of the Old Law through His one sacrifice on the cross, through the shedding of His Blood, and by doing so, released us from the requirements of the Old Law, and freed us to have full access to the Father without limitations or laws.  Jesus did found a new way of life, and founded the Church on the rock of Peter (Matthew 16:16).  All those of the Jewish community will one day come to Jesus as their Lord, Savior, and Messiah.  No, Catholics shouldn’t seek to become Jewish.  All who do not believe in Jesus should come to the Church!

Father Cervantes
