June 3, 2014

Question Form


Catholic View Readers are invited to participate in getting answers to questions about personal or other issues concerning the Catholic Faith and its doctrine.  Each month  questions will be chosen that is of interest to those who visit here.  Because of the large influx of letters received we cannot reply to them all.  Whether Catholic View answers your question or no, we suggest you consult your parish priest for the answers you seek.  Catholic View’s staff including priests who generously donate their valuable time can only answer a few letters each month because of  commitments at respective parishes.


  1. Questions sent in by persons UNDER 18 YEARS OLD WILL NOT be answered.
  2. One question per form submission.
  3. If you do not agree to allowing your question to be published, your question will likely not be answered.
  4. Valid email addresses and first name is REQUIRED.

Published or written responses to inquiries are solely intended to spiritually educate and inform and offers no warranty, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy, reliability or completeness because of the brevity of information received.  Persons sending in questions must be over 18 years of age.  Every effort is made to insure that replies offered are in accordance with the teachings of the Church.  Some questions may be answered by the non-priest segment of the Catholic View staff.  Catholic View and its staff shall not be held liable or responsible for improper use of answers found in this category.  Readers must carefully scrutinize replies given and take full liability for subsequent action.  Final responsibility rests with the reader to seek supplemental support by both local parish priests and/or certified, licensed professionals.

Before asking a question, please check to see if your question has been answered by using the search option located on the right side bar.

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