Father Francisco:
I recently noticed how many people post things about God asking to republish and to comment Amen and stuff like that. I was wondering should we listen to them or just ignoring them because they are using God to get likes and comments on their post and many people call me wrong because I see it in that point of view and think I don’t care about God so I want to see your point of view. Which side is right? – Ryuzaki
I agree with you. You don’t have to respond to the many forwarded e-mails that have God stories or God messages. I really dislike it when people say at the end that if I believe in God or believe in that particular message, that I should send it, and that if I don’t, then don’t send it. You don’t have to forward anything you don’t want to. And don’t fall into the “guilt trip” that these forwarded mails give. I do not forward any messages unless it is so important and unique that I will forward something for someone’s information. So, go ahead, delete all those forwarded messages! – Father Francisco